REWIRING: Raw Talk about Business and Life

[S1E11] The Messy Magic of Intentional Evolution: Challenging Convention and Embracing Personal Power

• The Aligned Alchemist • Season 1 • Episode 11

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 Key Points:

  • The Age of Aquarius: Why it's the era of discernment
  • Navigating collective, business and personal transformation in 2025
  • Personal insights on transit astrology and soul evolution
  • The messy, unpredictable nature of alchemy

You can find me @alignedalchemist everywhere.

YouTube, IG (not active except for DMs) and Threads

Hey everyone, happy 2025. I'm going to warn you up front. This is a stream of consciousness episode. Normally what I do as an undefined throat is I channel a bunch of stuff and then I take a step back and I put it into a more organized structure and then I re record it. We're not doing that today. So there are lessons and truth bombs and facts in here, but if you're looking for the three tips, this podcast episode ain't it.

Happy 2025. Welcome back. See you in there. 

And I just wanted to come on here and say hello. And in the next episode, I talk a lot about the energies of 2025 and it kind of got a little bit more immersive.

And I talk about some astrology stuff. I talk about some numerology stuff. I do weave it all together. That's what I do. But I wanted to even go up and up a notch and just chat for a second.

 As you know, we're in this of gateway to the age of Aquarius. I think that's actually the name of the next episode with massive change collectively, personally, from a business perspective. And I want to just share something that I wrote on threads the other day, , because it's going to say it better than it's going to kind of encapsulate what I want to say on this podcast.

And that is as business owners. Especially if we are serial entrepreneurs who have been in the game for a while. We often did this because we're not great with authority and don't want to answer to anybody else, anyone else, especially about rules that don't matter. And then we give our power and attention away to everyone on the internet.

Every post, every podcast, every masterclass, every coach, every in quotes expert, what a mind fuck of a ride these years leading up to 2027 will be.

I don't know if you guys know what 2027 is. It's the cross of the sleeping phoenix in human design and I'll mention that in future content. Maybe I'll do a Video on it. If you don't know anything about 2027, you don't know anything about human design. You don't care about it. It doesn't matter It's a time where we are Deconditioning if you will from old paradigms and you don't have to be a human design person to see that happening You can see that happening in the collective.

You could be an astrologist and see that happening I'll be having an astrologist colleague of mine come on and we'll be probably dropping that episode in early March There's a reason why the astrology of 2025 really starts in early March if you took my primal energy masterclass, you know why? Let's say first quarter of the year is personal astrology, and the three quarters of the year are collective astrology.

And that's going to be in, we'll talk about that. And if you're interested in that class because people have asked me about it on threads, you can DM me on Instagram. I'm the Aligned Alchemist everywhere now. to make it easy. So, , I can send you the link for that. It's still in play. The last time that happened was 1977.

That was the year I was born. You know I'm not a young chicken. This doesn't happen very often and it's a great time to use these energies to transmute patterns from the past and things in the subconscious. Things we'll be talking about a lot more. And you're going to start to see me talking a lot more about, , pattern rewiring and neuroplasticity, neuroscience, and business, as well as human design.

The content of the podcast is shifting a bit. You can see that from the description. And if it's no longer for you because you're looking for a human design podcast, totally get it and wish you well. So everything I just shared so far is all related to this. The whole gist of that thread I just dropped is Saturn is rules and authority and structure and we're moving away from that. And as we're moving away from that, , where do we need to adhere to existing rules and where can we break out of existing rules?

And when you're building in public like I am. It's nerve wracking because yes, I'm a Virgo who is a perfectionist, fine, and I don't even believe in sun sign shit, but I have a lot of, perfectionist tendencies. But more importantly than that, I have an MBA from one of the best marketing schools in the country and I've worked in marketing or branding for , let's say 20 years.

So I know what I'm doing with this and yet you have to look like you completely don't know what you're doing when you break the rules. And so I know that in a podcast, you need to have a targeted audience. You need to have a very finite niche of what you do. You need to be able to explain, , you need to have like a, like a lighthouse message.

You need a lighthouse message that is going to attract the people, the boats that are for you, and that are going to repel the boats that are not for you. And we're going to talk about magnetic messaging in another episode, because the Age of Aquarius is all about frequency, and it's all about magnetic messaging, which is why the more you are yourself, the more it's going to work.

 And in trying to figure out who the audience for this was, and what this was, I was driving myself crazy. And you'll see that the name of the podcast has changed and the description has changed and it may change again and it may change again. And that's just how it's going to go.

Like I said, if you want to, if you want to stay in my world, subscribe to the podcast or subscribe to me on YouTube because that way, no matter what happens, you'll know what's going on because it'll just shift over. , and if you don't care, you don't care. But the thing is, is that there's something personal happening in my chart, which has to do with the age of Aquarius, which I'll explain at the end because it's going to be less relevant to you, but it might be interesting to you.

So I don't know who this podcast is for right now. I know I attract sacral beings, just that all my clients have been sacral beings, even when I didn't actually explicitly put that in the title. Like I'm looking for this person. I attract business owners. I obviously attract people who are looking for truth tellers and non conventionalists.

I'm not going to track someone who's looking for the, you know, who wants the neuroscientist is going to tell you that, you know, manifestation is all in the brain chemistry and wants to sell you a book on that. I don't give a fuck about that. I blend a spirituality and, and, and science. And I firmly believe that.

We have no idea where those lines, where the line for that is. If you want to say that science is the what and spirituality is the why, fine. However, to say that they're delineated and that one knows One and the other is like pseudoscience. It's fucking such outdated thinking. I can't even. I say that as someone with an Ivy League engineering degree and a second master's in a, in functional medicine.

So I understand the academic side of it. However, I don't think we know everything and I think what we're learning is going to pivot and evolve. So much in the next 20 years in the age of Aquarius. So what I'm trying to say is, is that I'm just gonna share things on this podcast that I think are gonna be useful for you.

 I'm on a journey of exploration this year. I'm not calling this a business, I'm calling this a project because that's what I want to do. . I'm going to probably be starting a substack probably in the spring and an email list that I'm going to start regardless once I set up the new domain.

By the way, if you were part of Success in Spirit and you were in my world, you'll get added to the new list. Don't worry, because Success in Spirit is no longer. So I got to set up a whole new email list and eventually a website I guess when I get around to it.

I'm gonna have something called the lab and the lab is different ways you can come into my lab and get alchemized and it'll be different beta programs and ways to work with me in a one one container select. I'll have very select opportunities to work with me and it's a way that I'm building all my solutions and I could do all of this without explicitly sharing it but I'm not going to do that.

I'm going to share what I'm doing. And why I'm doing it. Maybe you can learn a little bit from it. I also am very transparent with everything I do. And the reason that I am also doing this is because one of the things that has pissed me off in the social media space is that everyone wants to sell you their fucking solution.

There's a difference between traditional sales, which is sales as service, which I don't actually believe that. I think that's a tagline that Sales coaches teach you. I think sales is you have something somebody wants. Somebody wants something. It's a conversation It's organic. You solve a problem they have or you provide a desire I've worked with personal trainers on and off for 20 years.

I love working with trainers I always want to have some kind of personal trainer in my life, and I, it just makes me better. It pushes me to the next level. , I'm fortunate to be, not be someone who's ever had to lose weight. , so when I've gotten personal training, it's because I have a desire to from point A to point B, and I believe somebody else can get me to point. So it doesn't have to be at a pain point you're solving. People spend money when they have pain to solve. That's a human thing. They're much more likely to solve pain than. desire so they're much more likely to pay for the sales coach who is going to convince them that we're going to solve your sales problems by my special script which is bullshit but you know it appeals to their side of them there's like oh i'm i'm afraid i'm not going to make sales and i'm not going to save my business so i gotta like pay for this guru to teach me right and maybe they're going to learn something that will actually help them or maybe not i'm cynical on the whole online space in case that's not obvious i'm allowed to be i've been around this world so long , here's what makes me cynical about it, and I warned you at the beginning this was a stream of consciousness, what makes me cynical about it and why I'm being transparent about how I'm doing this business project is that I see a lot of people coming on here pretending to be experts and they will tell you a solution that is the way.

And even as listening to them, I'm thinking, this is not the way, but I also have a very, very sharp bullshit detector and I've been in the business world for a long time. Most people who are the audience for these people have not, and so they're going to listen to what. These people tell them to do an example of this is I was listening to a podcast coach person.

No shade on this person. I'm not putting this person down. This person I'm sure helps a lot of people. And he was talking about how you need to be everywhere. He was talking about how podcasts are not discovery tools, they are engagement tools. He's not incorrect about that, by the way, you know, no one's growing a business from a podcast.

Okay. Very, very few people are doing that. And a lot of those people started their podcast where everybody. was on podcasts. The podcast community is actually, regardless of what a podcast coach wants to tell you, the actual global audience for podcasting has contracted, not expanded. And this is why, don't get me started on just fake bullshit that's out there.

You gotta be so discerning. You gotta be so discerning these days. Anyway, so I'm not making this podcast. So, And he was talking about how you have to be everywhere and he's like, you got to be on this, you got to be on TikTok, you got to be, you got to cut these shorts, you got to put the clips on, you got to do this, you got to do that.

And then literally four months later, or six months later, he came back and said, lessons learned from 2024. And one of them was like, Being everywhere was a giant waste of time. It drained his energy and . It didn't improve his bottom line. So I want, what I guess I want to say from this is, you are in the midst of everybody's experiment, whether or not they're admitting it to you or not.

Especially when it comes to business stuff.

You know, Vanessa Lau, famous YouTuber. She was much bigger back in the day. She's much younger than me, so I don't really watch her stuff, but I, when YouTube gurus were coming up maybe five years ago, she was pretty big. And she talked a lot about online marketing and her only training prior to being an online marketer was she worked at Starbucks.

 I'm not saying you'd have a formal degree to do anything, but a lot of the stuff she was saying, she just became , a personality overnight, but it wasn't really related to anything solid. And then she disappeared famously from YouTube for a year and social media from year.

And then she came back to big fanfare talking about how she completely burnt out how all of the advice that she had been giving, she'd been giving about following these gurus and using best practices and using other experts thumbnails actually didn't feel like herself. She had lost herself and she was.

Returning to her old roots. And so all the people who tried to follow her model,

she was in her own experiment. And other people are trying to follow along to be her and are burning themselves out and are probably thinking, oh, I can't do YouTube because I can't do XYZ. I can't afford to , an editor or whatever. And you know, finally, Alex Formosy, I have lots of things to say about this.

I'm not going to say it because he is like this God in the business world. And I feel like you say anything against any major names, people want to come after you. He's done a lot of really good for his demographic, which is white males in their twenties, right? Probably inspired a lot of people into entrepreneurship or entrepreneurship accessible to people who would never would have.

Had that possibility and that's great and he talks about working all the time and this and that. Now he has a defined heart based on a chart I saw somebody put up on Instagram, which may or may not be correct. And a defined heart is somebody who they live to prove to themselves.

I have a defined heart and I was kind of surprised when I found out he defined heart because to me defined heart is somebody who doesn't have to do things for external validation and he talks a lot about how he had to prove his dad wrong and he had to prove people wrong and this and that. That doesn't really feel defined heart to me.

But again, human design is one thing, but childhood patterns are. Well entrenched in us and family dynamics are go well beyond I never I never intend for human design to be the end all be all of personal development that there's much more And I'd be who tells you that is you should run because it's it's a system that was channeled by an advertising executive That could have been completely made up.

 We don't need to throw the baby out with the bathwater We also don't need to give our power away to something that could be completely fake I digress. The point is, is that

his story is incredibly intense and he would, he said he would sleep four hours a day, , get up, train himself, train other people, work all day, then clean the gym, and , you know, he slept above a parking garage so he didn't actually sleep because every time any trucks or anything would go over the garage, the thump, the thump would wake him up.

That's defined our energy. So I do believe he has a defined heart. , you push yourself beyond what people think is physically possible for you. , it makes for great stories. But it is also very not self, because the human body wasn't meant to push itself for that.

And I guess you can do that when you're in your 20s. Like, I was known to sleep in the computer lab in Cornell. One of the most rigorous engineering programs in the country. Second most at MIT and Caltech. And I'm not an engineer. , I went into engineering through cultural conditioning. If you're not familiar as an Indian American, you either do, pre med or engineering.

I did it to not prove my father wrong, but to please him because he was an engineer. And I don't know, I thought it would make him feel good. So , I did that, but I, you know, to do something like that when you're not inherently talented in that area, you have to work 10 times harder because the people who go to Cornell who study engineering, a lot of them were for other countries like Eastern block which is very very good at math and Asia and they literally their brains were a computer And so to try to compete with that meant, you know, when you're doing something as incredible as applied math It's like you are memorizing proofs at 3 o'clock in the morning because back in the day we didn't have I mean You literally you were proving the Pythagorean theorem in a blue book I don't I don't even know what the fuck I was doing like I went through all my college stuff and I was looking through it and I'm like What is this?

Is this English? Like, this sounds, this, this is like code. I don't even, how the fuck did I even do this? I don't even know what this is. And that's the defined heart. The defined heart will push itself to extremes that are beyond what we would think the human is, is capable of, temporarily and you'll burn out later.

 But that's a defined heart and I went completely off the tangent here, Alex Formosy. So he's like 30 now, 31, and I don't know if he's going to change, but he might at 40 be like, you know what, I would go do anything to go back to my 30s and not work seven days a week. I lost sight of the bigger picture.

I just want to share that. Everyone's going through their experiment. Trust no one. I don't mean that. I just, I'm being facetious. I'm just saying, , be discerning about the messages you're taking in. It goes back to the thread that I gave you, which is, you know, we give our power away. And The Age of Aquarius is about taking our power back.

It's about owning who we are uniquely. That's human design. That's the piece of human design I use. Where do you take an influence and how can you leverage your superpowers? And it's also about being very, very cautious about where you give your authority away to. I never want you to give your authority away to anything I say.

And I think that's obvious. . When I share about human design, and I share about astrology, and I share about business, and I share about anything science based, I have the chops to say that. And I will always be clear about what is knowledge I actually know, and where I am experimenting.

And I also think that you'll be able to tell the difference, because you'll be able to feel the difference. That's vibrational. And so I wanted to just come out here in this roundabout meandering. My head is actually going round and round as I'm saying this. It's like this spiral. It's a circle. And I'll probably do a preamble before this episode to make sure that I prevent anyone who thinks this is going to be a buttoned up piece of content, , 

and oh, experts. So I get a lot of people like commenting on your message isn't clear. You know, you need to be more clear with who your podcast is for. You need keywords after the title to attract the right people. I fucking know all that. This isn't my first rodeo. I'm doing all this my way and I will get to that when it's time to get to that.

So I just want to just throw that out there and also throw out there that sometimes I'm going to talk about business. Sometimes I'm not going to talk about business because I don't know exactly who's listening to me right now. And eventually I'll hone in and then all the content will be geared as a bullseye towards that audience because it'll be who I want to call in as a magnet.

I'm not here to serve all boats. I don't care to serve all boats. Nobody having a business is trying to serve all boats. So maybe you took something out of what I just said. Maybe I just went on a meandering journey, but if you took anything away from that, I hope you did. I hope you are very, very discerning with any information you take in.

And I guess the last piece of this is if you are a business owner. And if you are what they call multi passionate in any way, I don't even like labels, multi passionate, polymath, I don't even know what those are, those are labels, a lot of people call themselves polymaths, aren't really polymaths, they're just interested in a bunch of things, that doesn't make you a polymath.

 You know, the age of Aquarius, we talk a lot about how Aquarius is putting the pieces together and that's true and if you're not familiar, , Aquarius as a astrological sign is literally means putting the pieces together, whether or not we were in the quote age of Aquarius, whether or not we're in 2025, whether or not the internet even existed, if you read a book about astrology in 1960, it would talk about how The archetype of Aquarius is putting the pieces together.

So there's a lot of fanfare about, , you don't have to stay in a lane. You're all the parts. You're the sum of all your parts. And I believe that. And I, you know, I have my problems with micro experts. I think we've put micro experts, particularly in the science field, up on pedestals for no reason.

 So I don't actually think they're as useful to moving humanity forward as people can see the bridges. However, It's very, very difficult because when you're trying to do things like get your message out on a podcast or a YouTube channel or you know that one sentence bio on threads about what you fucking do and who you do it for, it's, it's very much geared towards I do one thing for one person.

And it is. It's challenging. So if you're somebody who's struggling with that, you're not alone. I think we are ahead of our time and I think that, , it's finding platforms like podcasting, like YouTube, like Substack, where maybe you can expand your base and vibrationally call in the people who are going to feel your energy and feel that you have something to provide a value to them.

And then what you actually sell might be somewhat bullseyed. You might niche your offers down, but you don't have to niche down your entire business and your entire brand and it is going to affect you. So when you apply to summit or podcasting. Or things like that, they're like, what the fuck are you an expert in?

So that you can call in an audience to your email list that's all going to be expecting one thing. Well, guess what those people are going to do when you don't talk about one thing? They're going to go away. So it's not that easy. And anyone who's claiming it's easy is, doesn't understand the bigger picture.

And it's something I'm struggling with. And , I'm on a personal journey for the next year of exploring this. And that's what this podcast is about. In that podcast, we'll be talking about multiple topics all under the umbrella of what's in the description. We're not going to be talking about tennis, but who knows what I'm going to bring in.

And I'm going to bring in a lot more guests. This episode of the next episodes are solo for, I'll be, you'll know why, because there's, they're more of a conversation with me and you. And then I'll be bringing on guests as I, Feel called like I said, I'm gonna opening up the lab in the spring probably after you know, all the planets leave shadow, which is late Late may and I do everything in line with astrological timing and the last piece I'll just share is speaking of astrological timing is I'd shared.

I'm going through this major thing in my chart So there's something known as a Saturn Uranus square and not everyone's gonna have this in their life because Uranus takes 84 years to go around the zodiac So when sat, you know Uranus is gonna square your Saturn could be when you're like 75 It just really depends and so in a nutshell Saturn forms things It's the structure of society, it's the boundaries of spacetime reality, and Uranus breaks things.

Uranus is what you can't see. Uranus is the future, Uranus is new. So what's happened is the last few years I've been in a Saturn Uranus square. Planets go back and forth and back and forth, especially slow moving planets, and they go back and forth over a point. Think like a car driving over a, you know, think about like someone left a toy in a driveway and the car is going to drive over it, then it reverses and it drives over it again.

It kind of completely changes the form, but it takes a couple of times. , so when the Saturn Uranus square heated up two years ago, I started a podcast. And every time. Uranus went back and forth and back and forth. The podcast changed, the form changed, the brand changed. You could, you could, you could map it to a calendar, not intentional by me.

So what transit astrology is, this is an example of transit astrology, is your evolving soul self. You change as you get older and that accelerates in your 40s. It accelerates after late 30s. So the reason I share that is because the work that I do and one of the offers I'm going to be releasing and letting you know about is something called Cosmic Clarity.

I do these Cosmic Clarity sessions, it's probably going to be the only thing I do where it's a one off reading. I'm moving away from doing any one off readings. I apply these tools to a bigger problem. and I'll be opening up doors for different ways if you want to work with me on that.

And so Cosmic Clarity is this , one offer. I cannot seem to shake. And get rid of because there is no other type of offer that speaks to your evolving soul self. There are so many people who do natal charts. To me, a natal chart after 30 years old is useless. I have so many examples of this and if you start a business.

At 25, 30, and you have a major transit, it's going to fundamentally change everything. It's going to change where you're motivated. It's going to change the form of everything. And so my cosmic clarity sessions are your evolving soul self. It is a snapshot in time of what's going on for you now. Usually the people come to me for that, the reason for the name of that is cosmic clarity, is that there's something major going on in their life and they want to know what the fuck's happening.

They want clarity on their path. Again, the second one's a desire, the first one's a problem, right? You can expect more people are willing to invest for the problem. It's not a natal chart reading. It's not a business chart reading. There's no way to incorporate that into any other type of thing.

It's its own thing and it's not something people generally Focus on and if you, you know, follow horoscopes or any of this shit, it, it doesn't reflect that. And that is a very, to me, that is the most interesting part of astrology. Because when you get to a certain age, who gives a fuck about your personality?

Your personality is your personality. Do I need to tell you your personality when you're 50 years old? Probably not. It's validation. You might get an aha or two, but it's not going to change your world. Whereas if all of a sudden I'm like, yeah, you know why you wanted to do that thing? And then the next year you completely blew up your business and your wife thought you were crazy and everyone thought you had lost your mind.

You didn't lose your mind. And here's why. It's because your son changed signs, your purpose fundamentally changed, so your drive fundamentally changed, and now you're on the right track, and this is your track for the next three years. And it was just shitty timing that you launched a business a year before.

This actually happened to me, but as an example, but that's another aside. , I just wanted to share that as an example because I learned through metaphors and examples. And so you can see when Saturn was trying to form this structure of the podcast, of the message. And you're just kept coming and breaking it and I'm almost at the end of that that's going to be over at the end of April, so I don't see very many changes happening and that's why I feel I can share.

What I shared with you and that's why I kind of changed the name and I'm not making a super big announcement about it. I'm not promoting it, but once the name is changed, the cover is final, then I'll start, you , promoting clips of the podcast because it's not going to be this, weird confusing message where it's changing all the time and the graphics are changing all the time and the branding is changing all the time and the message is changing all the time and so on and so forth.

So I just wanted to come on here. I hope you got something out of this. Sharing my process, sharing a little bit of behind the scenes, sharing a little bit into the Alchemical Lab. Alchemy is not pretty. Alchemy is not clean.

We've got a billion and one coaches calling them the alchemist magician goddess who's going to transmute your chakras and you know you're picturing this woman like in Hawaii on lava and she's wearing a flowing dress and she's got so they put a lot of bracelets on and she's like chanting that's not what alchemy is okay alchemy is messy, it is not clean, it is unpredictable, it is not easy, and it's part of the process.

And as a collective we are going through collective alchemy and that's what we're going to talk about in the next two episodes. First one will be another deep dive for me, although it'll be about the astrology macro and the numerology and just business and energies and some stories. And then the episode after that will be with a colleague of mine talking about the collective astrology of 2025.

That's not an episode you're going to want to miss because it's a fellow expert astrologer talk to a fellow expert astrologer. She's a five one. I'm a five one. We're going to bring it and that will air in early March. Thank you so much for being part of the Aligned Alchemist.

Formally, Awaken Your Inner Magic. Formally, the Aligned Alchemist. And formally, the Aligned CEO. Let's hope it sticks. See you on the next one. 

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